CBS Masterworks,Columbia Masterworks
Ivan Rebroff - At Carnegie Hall (LP, Album, RE) (Very Good Plus (VG+))
Ivan Rebroff - At Carnegie Hall (LP, Album, RE) (Very Good Plus (VG+))
Media Condition: Very Good Plus (VG+)
Sleeve Condition: Very Good (VG)
Country: US
Genre: Classical, Folk World & Country
[BLOW OUT SALE !!! 50% or more OFF on 30.000 ITEMS] EX. Ring wear to sleeve
Recorded live October 7, 1972 A1 to A3, A5 to A7, B7 sung in Russian, B1, B5, B6 sung in German, B2 sung in English, B3 sung in French. A4 and B4 are instrumental. Engineering: Stan Tonkel, Hank Altman, Lou Jannone Library of Congress catalog card number 74-750873 applies to M 33364. To public and performer alike, the name "Carnegie Hall' is a symbol of quality and a synonym for Success. For musicians, especially, an appearance at this great auditorium signifies that a certain plateau of artistic and personal success has been attained-for a Carnegie Hall concert is not just a New York concert: It is a Special experience shared by artist and audience in One Of the mOst hallowed halls in the Western World. This great auditorium has played host to the musical greats for more than three duarters of a century, and its memories of superlative performances are rich, indeed. So it was then with special pride and pleasure that the great basso Ivan Rebroff made his first appearance on the stage at Carnegie Hall on the night of October 7, 1972. Rebroff came to Carnegie Hall not as a newcomer to New York's concert Scene but as an artist who had made his New York debut at Philharmonic Hall only two years previously-a debut that set a new all-time midsummer box office record for a single performance. He came there also as an established star of theatre and Opera in Europe and as a recording star whose albums enjoyed great popularity and critical acclaim, both in Europe and the United States. A giant of a man (he stands 6/2 feet and weighs approximately 275 lbs.), Ivan Rebroff gained his international reputation not only for his interpretive artistry but also for the extraordinary range of his voice. At various times, he has been credited with a range of three Or four Octaves; in actuality, he can stretch his voice from a low A, three ledger lines below the bass clef to a high E, three ledger lines above the treble clef. This translates as almost five OCtaVeS! Rebroff, the son of Russian parents. was born in Berlin but began his vocal studies in Hamburg. In order to pay for his lessons, the student-singer toured the Hamburg provinces with a musical group billed as "Cossacks of the Black Sea,' and it was at this time that his serious interest in Russian folk music began. For his opera debut, in 1962, Rebroff Scored as Don Basile in Rossini's The Barber of Seville at the Frankfurt Opera, where he sang principal roles for the next two seasons. Then, in 1964, he caught the attention of the Continent with his performance of "Lara's Theme' from the motion picture Dr. Zhivago. For this single recording, Rebroff wrote original Russian lyrics, and the first 100,- 000 copies pressed were sold in seven Weeks. Opera success for Rebroff was followed by appearances on major French television programs and then capped by his starring role of Tevye in the French version of the Smash Success Fiddler On the Roof at the Théâtre Marigny. The New York Times' Paris correspondent wrote that Rebroff's notices were glowing "and the advance sale of tickets is phenomenal." In France-Soir, critic Jean Dutourd wrote a summary of the Rebroff performance that could well apply to any of the basso's stage or concert appearances: "There is only one adjective for him: fabulous. He fills the whole stage with his presence. Everyone knows his beautiful singing voice, but he is also a delicious actor, possessing an admirable humanity." During the summer recess of "Fiddler," Rebroff made his North American debut at the Newport, R.I., Music Festival, where he was enthusiastically reCei Ved and hailed a S the FestiVal" S highlight. Three nights later, on August 6, came the New York appearance at Philharmonic Hall that established him as an extraordinary box office draw. Shortly after his New York debut, Rebroff reCOrded his first album under the aegis of Columbia Masterworks. The result was one of the most Successful releases of the year, an album that Stereo Review Commended for Rebroff's "sensational' voice, adding that "his timing is Superb, and he sings everything with style and fervor." When Rebroff selected his program for his Carnegie Hall performance of October 7, 1972, he did so with years of public appearances as his guide: He knew what he did best and what his audience liked best. The result was a typical and thoroughly satisfying prOgram that ran the musical gamut from Fjododler On the ROOf tO SOme Of Rebroff's most beloved Russian songs. In addition, the basso moved easily from number to number in four languages. A Rebroff program is strongly weighted in favor of Russian folk songs, for this is the repertory for which he has most affection and most identification. It is usually noted with some surprise that he does many of his own arrangements of this material, and he does So for a purpose: It is his belief that much of today's folk music is over-arranged and Over-Orchestrated. "True Russian folk singing,' he. Says, "is much more simple, basic and unpretentious. The melody is the important thing.” As conveyed through the vocal artistry of Ivan Rebroff, melody is not only the important thing but is also a glorious experience. exultant and aglow with Rebroff's Own vitality. The rafters of Carnegie Hall may not still be echoing with the extraordinary voice of Ivan Rebroff, for all songs must end. But surely, some melody must linger on from that night when this great Russian basso brought his prodigious talent and his gifted musicians for the first time to the stage of this great and revered Concert hall.
A1. Those Were The Days 3:03
A2. The Legend Of The 12 Robbers 4:23
A3. Evening Bells 3:33
A4. Instrumental: Woina 4:12
A5. Karobuschka 3:12
A6. The Drunken Monk 3:18
A7. Kalinka 2:05
B1. Schenk' Mir Einen Wodka Ein 2:16
B2. Nobody Knows 1:48
B3. Ah, Si J'etais Riche 3:18
B4. Instrumental: The Moon Is Shining 2:18
B5. Katjuscha 2:18
B6. Im Tiefen Keller 4:08
B7. Stenka Rasin 4:15
Barcode and Other Identifiers:
Rights Society ASCAP
Other 74-750873
Recorded At Carnegie Hall
Copyright (c) CBS Inc.
Phonographic Copyright (p) CBS Inc.
Manufactured By Columbia Records
Manufactured By CBS Inc.